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Myztico Campo is a HeARTist on a Mission. His passion is a devotional soul nurturing practice that honors creative source. Myztico's  intention as a HeARTist is to bring forth multidimensional worlds through the various mediums of painting (canvas/murals/light pen alchemy/custom auto painting/black light bodypainting/art wear). As a musician/lyricist he strives to explore and share sonic beauty with those open to listen. As a filmmaker, he brings forth stories that need to be expressed. Myztico is guided, inspired, honored & truly blessed by Great Spirit to be a guardian of this cherished gift of creative source, grateful to be a humble vessel for this heART flow...Keep Shining Brightly!


"To see a world in a Grain of Sand, and a Heaven in a Wild Flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour"- William Blake


My Inspiration;

Is manifested & informed by Ancient Cultures,Native Cultures, Social Issues, Interdimensional Realms, Dreamtime, Altered States of Consciousness, Vision Quests, Meditation, Alien Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Science Fiction, Post Humanism & Life on this fragile planet Earth.


Creative Tools currently used:

Acrylic on canvas, ink on paper, digital light alchemy, Corel Painter Pro

© 2006 - 2024 ALL INTERNATIONAL RIGHTS RESERVED by Myztico Campo 

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